Blockjobs is the very first utility platform for GalacticatsNFT
Last updated is the very first utility platform for GalacticatsNFT
Last updated is an all-in-one Cardano Web3 freelalance job portal for remote jobs and services. Our vision with Yarn is to empower and connect individuals not only within the Cardano and Web3 communities but also globally. Our platform serves to onboard freelancers into the space while offering opportunities to users. Showcase your services, talents, or skills and become an active participant! We offer multiple login options and payment solutions.
Our goal is to introduce a fresh approach to the average user or freelancer once they become part of the platform. We also have plans to develop cross-chain payment solutions in the future, which are detailed in a separate roadmap and landing page dedicated to our platform. You can find more information about Yarn by visiting our roadmap. and landing page below.